
We believe that our faith in Jesus Christ,
is expressed by calling on His Name,
Jesus, in the waters of baptism.

Water baptism is an act of obedience identifying
 with Jesus in death to sin, burial of the old nature,
nd resurrection to new life.

Are You Ready To Be Baptized?

The saving gospel is the good news that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again. We obey the gospel (II Thessalonians 1:8; I Peter 4:17)
by repentance (death to sin), water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ (burial), and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial sign of speaking in tongues as the Spirit
gives the utterance (resurrection). (See I Corinthians 15:1-4; Acts 2:4, 37-39; Romans 6:3-4.)

Attend A Service

On any given scheduled service, we have the baptistry open for anyone who would like to get baptized after service.

Invite Family & Friends

Water baptism is a time of celebration and public declaration of new life in Christ. Bring your friends and family with you to one of our services so you can
 celebrate together.

We Provide Everything  

Don’t worry about what to bring for water baptism. Our team is prepared with baptismal robe & towels.